
Rolfing, also known as Structural Integration, is a system of deep body manipulation and movement education. It is a sophisticated technique for lengthening, aligning, and ordering the human body in the gravitational field.

If you are injured or in pain, or feel limited and restricted in your body, Rolfing can restore mobility and good functioning of joints and connective tissues. It can reduce, and often eliminate, pain and movement restriction caused by whiplash accidents and work- or sports-related injuries, and can help correct disorders such as carpal tunnel syndrome, scoliosis, sciatica, joint dysfunction, TMJ-syndrome, and repetitive stress injury.


Rolfing achieves its remarkable results through manipulation of the myofascial system, which includes both muscles and connective tissue, also called fascia. Connective tissue surrounds, penetrates, and connects every part of the body, including bones, muscles, and internal organs. Through a Rolfer’s refined and intelligent touch, the connective tissues are loosened and lengthened. This allows the body to re-organize and re-align, improving its relationship to the gravitational field.

Research indicates that Rolfing creates a more efficient use of the muscles, allows the body to conserve energy, and creates more refined patterns of movement. Rolfing has the ability to dramatically alter a person's posture and structure. It can reduce chronic and/or acute pain, relieve stress, aid in the healing of injuries, and improve performance in the daily activities of children, adults, and seniors.

Rolfing offers a holistic approach to healing, offering perceptual insights and understanding that often reaches beyond the merely physical.



A Rolfing session with me typically begins with a brief visual evaluation of your body structure and gait pattern. By walking with you and observing your flow of movement, I can identify the places where movement is restricted. This process also allows you to “check-in,” bringing your full awareness to your body.

Using various diagnostic techniques derived from the methods of Rolfing and osteopathy, “local listening” and palpation are performed. I evaluate joint mobility and soft tissue tightness, and identify restrictions, asymmetries, and rotation patterns in the “fascial web.”


When needed, I perform visceral manipulation techniques to release restrictions and adhesions in the membranes surrounding the internal organs and nerves, thus restoring their mobility and “gliding capacity.” The body's musculoskeletal, visceral and craniosacral systems are all perceived and treated within a holistic sensibility.

The session typically ends with a more subtle energetic or craniosacral balancing, followed by a discovery and integration period where the client stands, walks, and has the opportunity to sense and express what has changed and been improved from the session. Rolfing is, above all, an educational and transformational experience. Rolfing sessions serve as a guide to finding a better way to live in, use, and enjoy the human body.



How was Rolfing developed and how did it get its name?

Rolfing was named after its founder, Ida P. Rolf, Ph.D. In 1920, Ida Rolf received her Ph.D. in biochemistry from Columbia University, while continuing her research in organic chemistry at the Rockefeller Institute. In addition to her strong foundation in Western science, Dr. Rolf was strongly influenced by osteopathy, yoga and other alternative approaches to health. In the 1960’s she was invited to teach at the renowned Esalen Institute, a center for the newly emerging human potential movement. It was here that Dr. Rolf further developed her method, and started training Rolf practitioners. In the late 1960’s Ida Rolf founded the Rolf Institute, located in Boulder, Colorado.

Who can benefit from Rolfing? Is it for me?

Rolfing can help you if you are injured or in pain, or feel limited or restricted in your body. Your Rolfer is trained to evaluate and treat injuries and imbalances of the musculoskeletal system. People with chronic pain, athletes, dancers, musicians, business people – people of all ages and from all walks of life come to Rolfing not only for relief from pain and distress but also for improved performance in their professional and daily activities. If you are injured or overwhelmed by bodily discomfort, Rolfing can help you find pain relief and help speed your recovery. Rolfing can also benefit people in psychotherapy by facilitating a deeper connection to their emotional processes, and it can effectively deepen practices such as meditation, yoga, and Tai Chi. Your Rolfer is part of a network of holistic health care practitioners. If he finds that your situation requires care that is outside of his field of expertise, he will refer you to another qualified professional.


Is Rolfing painful?

Pain is not inherent to the Rolfing process. There may be moments of intensity of sensation as the tissues are stretched and loosened; however, the gentle and refined techniques used by a skilled Rolfer will produce the desired results without significant discomfort to the client. The experience may actually be quite pleasant, with sensations ranging from the subtle to a deep, intense release.

What can you expect from Rolfing?

Many clients report a sense of lightness, ease, and well-being following a Rolfing session. Relief from many symptoms, including chronic pain, stiffness, and tension frequently occurs as the body is balanced and brought into better alignment with gravity. By literally changing the shape of your body, Rolfing gives you the chance to let go of old habits and holding patterns – psychologically as well as physically. Flexibility and efficiency of movement are often dramatically improved. A sense of groundedness, strength, and grace may emerge as body parts are brought into better balance with each other.


After Rolfing, will the changes last?

Once a series of sessions are completed and the inappropriate patterns of movement are corrected, the body remains changed for the better.

What should I wear during a Rolfing session?

To allow for freedom of movement clients may wear underwear, a two-piece bathing suit, or loose comfortable clothing.

How are Rolfers trained?

Rolfers are trained and certified by Dr. Ida Rolf Institute in Boulder, Colorado. A rigorous educational program includes anatomy, kinesiology, Rolfing theory, visual training, and supervised hands-on work. Continuing education prepares the Rolfer for advanced training which is completed within five years of the initial training.